Співавтор сценарію до фільму-коміксу Пітофа «Жінка-кішка» Джон Роджерс публічно розкритикував стрічку, над якою був працював, зазначивши, що вона не має жодного культурного значення.
‘Catwoman’ Screenwriter Blasts His Own Creation as a ‘Very, Very Bad’ Movie With ‘Zero Cultural Relevance’
“Catwoman” is a bad movie, and everyone involved knows it. That includes Halle Berry, who thanked her agent for getting her “this shitty-ass movie” when she accepted her Razzie Award for Best Actress, and at least one of the many credited screenwriters.
One of them, John Rogers took to Twitter last night after a contributor to the Federalist asked a bad-faith question about why the ill-fated comic-book movie didn’t receive the kind of praise Michelle Obama doled out to “Black Panther,” holding nothing back in the process: “As one of the credited writers of CATWOMAN, I believe I have the authority to say: because it was a shit movie dumped by the studio at the end of a style cycle, and had zero cultural relevance either in front of or behind the camera,” he said.
“This is a bad take. Feel shame,” Rogers added before elaborating on his experience with the film. “Also full disclosure: I’ve never watched the movie all the way through in one sitting. I skipped premiere night to shoot @jenni_baird audition footage for GLOBAL FREQUENCY. And they’d fired me anyway for, y’know, snark.”
This naturally received attention — Rogers’ first tweet is currently sitting at 23,000 retweets and 67,000 likes — as well as questions. Asked why Berry’s version of the character isn’t known by her original name, he said that she “couldn’t be Selina Kyle because of an insane rights issue. Full disclosure: I was fired off the movie after writing the green light draft because I kept arguing with notes that’d make the movie ‘very, very bad.’ Which I said out loud. At meetings. I got fired a lot in my 30’s.”
Michael Nordine, IndieWire, 24 лютого 2018 року