Cineuropa про роботу над «Донбасом» Сергія Лозниці


Видання Cineuropa поширило інформацію про роботу над стрічкою Сергія Лозниці «Донбас».

Сергій Лозниця, що є режисером і автором сценарію майбутньої стрічки, зазначає із приводу «Донбасу»: «Коли ми звемо війну «миром», коли пропаганду представляємо як правду і коли звемо ненависть «любов’ю», життя починає нагадувати смерть».

Фільм є спільним виробництвом Німеччини, Франції, України, Нідерландів та Румунії.

Над стрічкою працюють компанії Majade (Німеччина, Heino Deckert), JBA Production (Франція, Marianne Dumoulin та Jacques Bidou), «Артхаус Трафік» (Україна, Денис Іванов), Graniet Film та Wild at Art (Нідерланди) та Digital Cube (Румунія).

«Донбас» отримав фінансову підтримку від Eurimages, французького CNC (за програмою підтримки світового кіно), Державного агентства України з питань кіно.

Зйомки триватимуть 45 днів.

Оператором-постановником фільму є Олег Муту, із яким регулярно співпрацює Сергій Лозниця.

Французькою та світовою дистрибуцією стрічки опікується компанія Pyramide.

Sergei Loznitsa has started the production of Donbass

The director’s new film, produced by Germany, France, Ukraine, the Netherlands and Romania, will be sold by Pyramide.

Sergei Loznitsa has started the production of ihis fourth feature-length fiction film, Donbass. In competition at Cannes with his last three works of fiction (My Joy in 2010, In the Fog in 2012 and A Gentle Creature in 2017), the filmmaker, who cut his teeth in the world of documentaries, a genre that he has never abandoned (Maidan got a special screening at Cannes in 2014, while The Event and Austerlitz were shown out of competition at Venice in 2015 and 2016), will bring together both professional and non-professional actors in his new opus.

Written by the director, the story is summed up as follows: when we call war “peace”, when propaganda is presented as the truth, and when we call hate “love”, it is then that life begins to look like death. Donbass survives. Manuel practises hell.

In his director’s note, the filmmaker outlines his film’s subject matter by relating it directly to a passage from the story Pain by Varlam Shalamov: “There is a hackneyed phrase: history repeats itself – the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. No. There is still a third reflection of the same events, the same plot: a reflection in the concave mirror of the underground world. The plot is unimaginable and yet real; it really exists and is right next to us.”

In Loznitsa’s view, “It seems that these sentences are an exact description of the state of things in our territory, the one that was previously the Soviet Union, as well as the subject of the movie that I am preparing to shoot: the reflection of history in a distorted mirror of the underground world. It is possible to understand and perceive exactly what human nature is during historic moments, as we bear witness to a society’s collapse. When laws that have been duly voted in cease to be effective, when the ground gives way under our feet and we can no longer lean on the crutches of social institutions or on the prevailing norms in society, but only on the strength of mind that may or may not be given to a human being to grant him or her the strength to confront the chaos. It is during these historic moments that mankind is defined, here and now, and for many years to come. These situations arise during periods of utter instability that are accompanied by wars.”

Produced by Germany’s Majade (Heino Deckert) together with France’s JBA Production (Marianne Dumoulin and Jacques Bidou), Ukraine’s Art House Traffic (Denys Ivanov), Dutch outfits Graniet Film and Wild at Art, and Romania’s Digital Cube, Donbass has secured backing from Eurimages and the CNC’s World Cinema Support. The shoot will last 45 days with Romanian cinematographer Oleg Mutu serving as DoP. The French distribution and international sales will be handled by Pyramide.

Fabien Lemercier, Cineuropa, 12 січня 2018 року